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Bradford, West Yorkshire
Bradford, West Yorkshire

With the hefty fuel costs and the need for greener and more improved initiatives, this has pushed many organisations and conventional vehicle owners to switch to electric vehicles. Besides the rising costs of fuel, electric vehicles also reduce the operating expenses of larger businesses. 

So, what do these reductions in gas emission and operating expenses mean to the environment?

Electric Vehicles Produce Zero Exhaust Emissions

Fully hybrid vehicles do not need an exhaust since there is no exhaust produced. Traditionally, internal combustion engines burn petrol or diesel to produce the energy for the car. This results in the production of harmful carbon gases that is emitted through the exhaust.

Electric vehicles are powered by electric motors that do not produce any harmful carbon in energy creation. This means there is no use for an exhaust if the vehicle is fully electric. The batteries used in hybrid or electric vehicles are also emission-free. For instance, the most common battery type, the lithium-ion battery, used in electric vehicles. These batteries can be charged repeatedly without emitting hazardous gases.

Exhaust Emissions

Clean Production of Electric Vehicle Batteries

The fact that electric vehicles produce less or no gas emissions on the road can be contradictory to the battery production process. With hybrids and electric vehicles being a newer technology, there is still inconsistency in the industry standards regarding the energy sources used to make EV batteries. This results in larger carbon emissions by the manufacturers.

However, today the EVs battery production have a carbon footprint of around 2 to 3 times lower than two years ago. Today’s EV manufacturers are also setting guidelines to ensure their batteries are produced and supplied in an eco-friendly manner. For example, their suppliers are only required to use renewable energy sources like solar and wind in production.

As a result, using renewable energy sources provides a larger amount of energy needed to produce EV batteries without polluting the environment.

Top EV automakers like Tesla, for example, are strategizing in using 100% renewable energy sources to manufacture their batteries.

Structure of EV

Use of Eco-Friendly Materials in Manufacturing EVs

Among other factors that contribute to successful electric vehicle production, the body weight and style determine the installation of the batteries and electric motors.

This means the manufacturers should ensure that their vehicles are lightweight for greater performance.

However, there is a challenge in using traditional heavier materials when trying to achieve an EV with a greater range and smaller carbon footprint.

Today, most EV manufacturers are using recycled and organic materials that are lightweight, eco-friendly, strong, and durable to make more functional electric vehicles.

Although conventional vehicle manufacturers are also using recycled materials for smaller components, they do not use them for vehicle structures. This makes EV manufacturers the only beneficiaries.

The use of recycled and organic material in EV is not only limited to weight reduction. It also impacts the environment positively by lowering or eliminating carbon emissions. Since using new materials like metals and plastic is considered unsustainable and hazardous. Replacing them with all-natural or recycled material minimises the pollution in both pre-and post-production stages.

ECO Friendly

In Conclusion

Hybrid or electric vehicles are still new to most vehicle owners and manufacturers.

However, the technology is expected to pick up and grow more rapidly following the gradual advancements in the locomotive industry.

Electrical vehicles are also expected to curb the environmental effects caused by internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles by reducing the carbon footprint.

They also offer both businesses and consumers an intelligent alternative for a cleaner environment.

Therefore, while only a few businesses or families own electric vehicles, it is now the best time for people to think about switching to hybrid or fully electric vehicles for a cleaner and greener world.

Post Author: admin

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